SACOM JSC attended the 36th anniversary of the corporation and the inauguration of SECURE Group's "Third Space" project in Udaipur, India
SACOM JSC attended the event of SECURE Group
- July 24 - 27, 2023, marks an important milestone in SECURE's 36-year journey. As a long-term, valued partner - SACOM joined and celebrated this memorable milestone with SECURE Group in the green
of the city of Udaipur, India.
- Besides, SECURE Gr inaugurated the social project "Third Space" with 100% capital, a total investment of more than 15M USD. A third space is a space that is not a work/school or home; which is a place for children and young people to discover their interests and potential.
- Visit the R&D center and factory with modern production lines in Udaipur.
SACOM thanks CEO Mr. Suket Singhal & SECURE team has brought invaluable values to the community and high-quality products!
Written by: Mr. Dang Tran.